It's about Time

When your time stop.. means you're die


Bace dlu Dialog kt bawah ney :

Student X : Wey... tengok budak tu...
Student Y : Ape... Mne..??
Student X : Tu yang mamat suke tengok jam tu...
Student Y : Owh... Alah bukan mahal pon jam dye... jam biase jer..
Student X : Tah pape ar... Rushing2 wt pe... Relax Sudah...
Student Y : Ye betul... Poyo jer lebih... 

Pergh... Sedap jer mengumpat... (Aq harap xde orang cam ney)... 
Okay la... Aq nak cerita cikit pasal aq... Tabiat aq memang suka tengok jam...

For me... Time is important thing... I means SO IMPORTANT 

Sometimes memang aq rushing... Kata orang melayu... MASA ITU EMAS... 
Hahha... Aq rse lagi mahal kowt... 

"I always want a thousand step ahead from everyone"

Ia sepatutnye bukan rushing... Tapi :


Apabila da mengoptimumkan masa... Anda sebenarnya mempunyai masa yang lebih untuk buat bende lain.... Seperti... Hobi dan Aktiviti yang digemari...

Dan lagi satu...

Ini Laptop Kesayangan aq... Hp Pavilion dv3

Sometimes.... Err... Actually every time @ Almost the time I spend for this notebook...
 Hehe... Ney minat dan hobi aq...

"I learn every time on this notebook"

Orang selalu cakap :
" Wey Zakwan... Dah la... Buang mase jer... Baik ko study"

They don't understand actually... Study , Study and Study... Huh...
I don't want to be NERD people...
NERD is not bad but sometimes they don't know other things..
They don't have soft skill...

"Skill comes from experience"
"Experience needs time"

I'm not like a JERK that always


I like in 

Ia hobi yang boleh buat duit nanti..
Walaupun bukan cita-cita aq...
Tapi ia cume back up plan... If I can't be the first one...

Smile always
